Staying healthy in the garden

Spring beauties keep us company while we work in the garden. From the top: black willow; the lenten rose, or hellebore; and hepatica. Turning over the garden inevitably leads to a host of spring complaints, including pulled muscles, sunburns, and insect bites. Here is a short list of do's and don't to stay healthy this season:
1. Prevent muscle soreness. Stretch, do yoga, switch sides when raking, and use wheelbarrows to carry heavy things.
2. Prevent infection from the soil. Wear gloves, and always wash hands before eating or drinking.
3. Keep your tetanus shots up to date.
4. Don't forget the sunscreen, even on cloudy days.
5. Check for ticks after working outdoors.
6. Test your soil for heavy metal contamination.
7. Treat ALL pesticides like the toxic chemicals they are, even organic pesticides. Read ALL the labels carefully, and learn more about organic pesticides li>