Shine on shine on harvest moon

Today, on the last day of September, the garden is still bearing copious amounts of food, especially greens. The tomatoes and peppers are on their last legs and the tomato plants will be terminated tomorrow. The cucumbers and melons were terminated today. The Roma pole beans, on the other hand, are as prolific as they were a month ago. With the freezer full, the excess is now going to the "share" basket on the community garden gate. Also bearing in abundance are beets, carrots, frisee, arugula, scallions, broccoli, chard and kale. Fall spinach is just sprouting, and the brussels sprouts look like a gawky alien.
Tonight's dinner featured lots of locally grown food, plus some excellent wine harvested in far off Spain. The mussel chowder (local milk, mussels grown in midcoast Maine, potatoes, parsley, onion and celery from my garden), and the salad (from my garden--frisee, arugula, kale, sorrel, mizuna, beets, scallions, carrots, sungold tomatoes and beans) were accompanied by a locally baked rosemary roll. All were followed by Camembert from Smiling Hill Farm and a Sweetser Orchards Cortland apple baked with non-local sugar and raisins but definitely local cream. Yum.
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